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Traditional Banks
Bringing Traditional Banks into the future

With our extensive experience in modernising Traditional Banks' payment systems, and our Platform's supreme flexibility, we digitise complex systems, rapidly and smoothly.

The Platform that gets it done.

The feature-rich APIs and complete Cloud solution let us customise, migrate, scale, and deploy large-scale digital projects quickly and without friction.

Real-time data. Deeper analytics

With one richly layered data-set, our real-time analytics let you make informed decisions, offer relevant products, capitalise on interchange fees, and more.

We're migration experts

We're experienced at migrating large banks onto new digital platforms. Our Platform has the stability and flexibility to evolve your systems without disruption.

One Platform that does it all

With the most sophisticated, secure APIs, a complete Cloud solution, Banking Live, PayRule.AI, and true global reach, we get bigger things done, faster.

Offer today's leading debit and credit products


Prepaid, Debit and Credit
Any card. Any time. Any place.

Our Platform has the power, flexibility and unmatched global reach to issue any kind of card – virtual or physical – in single or multi-currency, at any time, in new countries, or any of our 50+ active global markets.

Offer credit solutions for today's customer


Buy Now Pay Later, via mobile

Offer, approve and convert a purchase, at point-of-sale, into a BNPL offer; delivered via your customer’s mobile.


Turn purchases into instalments

Convert qualifying purchases, even at POS. We commit to a payment structure, then we schedule the repayments for you.


Evergreen credit

Allow qualifying customers to repeatedly access revolving credit – within a limit set by you – with repayments in regular instalments.

Shared Cloud.
Unmatched reach and speed.

When it comes to Cloud, our Platform gives you the very best of all worlds.

The most capable Cloud solution

Fully in the Cloud

We're fully Cloud-native – able to offer shared Cloud instances. We integrate smoothly and easily into any major Cloud system, and then seamlessly upscale both features and transactions, as you grow.

With auto-scaling, we can automatically increase your transaction-capacity, as and when it becomes needed. And, with our Active/Active processing zones, we ensure total stability and data-resilience, with the highest industry uptime.

Combined with our Platform's unmatched API-flexibility and speed, out-of-the-box, this lets us offer a complete Cloud solution, to suit any needs, quickly and precisely.


Processing at ultimate speed

Our Platform supports over 1000 TPS, out of the box. Faster processing means greater capacity, which in turn, enables both smooth scalability and flexible, rapid product design, deployment and enhancement.

Control in your hands

Everything is under your control, through the most powerful APIs, and our ultra-intuitive Client Portal.


Total control
Control through API power

We build the world's most powerful APIs, in-house, from the ground up. This creates seamless, modular flexibility, letting our clients easily access real-time data across cards, customers and programmes. Processes like chargebacks are easily automated, with new products tested in minutes.

Rich data
Control through data-interface

We provide a more visual, more humanly intuitive approach to assessing data. Simply put, we allow humans to better and more easily understand human behaviour, as it happens in real time.


Flexible and scalable
Control through agility

Our Platform's APIs are more flexible, more granular, and more scalable. This allows you to set up new rules, parameters and products, deploy them, automate processes, and fine-tune as needed, with ease.

You set the rules
Business done on your terms

PayRule.AI's extreme flexibility and granularity let you dictate exactly how you want your products to work. While others let you set rules on a card level, we enable decision-making right down to a per-person or per-card basis.


Offer more options. Grow your revenue


Upsell to customers in real-time

Our analytics can be interpreted and applied in real-time, letting you make decisions, grant permissions and offer new products, when it matters most.


Fraud-beating intelligence

Remain several steps ahead of fraud using AI & ML intelligence, the most secure APIs, the richest data, and our superior decision engine's extreme configurability.


Reduce back-office costs

Greater speed, greater efficiency, and richer data mean fewer chargebacks, less back-office legwork, and greater capitalisation on interchange fees.

Migrate smoothly

We understand banks. We have decades of experience migrating tens of millions of cards for our clients.

  • We have a dedicated Migration Team, which will manage the migration process, and thoroughly train your teams.

  • We provide detailed, developer-friendly documentation, and a wide range of testing tools to make the migration process intuitive and smooth.


We have successfully migrated our clients from platforms like Wirecard, FIS and GPS.


We have integrated into many traditional and modern core banking systems, including Mambu, Thought Machine and 10x Banking.


Why is Paymentology the world's most powerful issuing Platform?

While others operate in just a few countries

We're everywhere in the world

We’re live in 67+ countries, across 14 time zones.


All types of cards

We can issue any type of card

We support all kinds of prepaid, debit and credit cards; be they physical, virtual, tokenised or numberless.


All major networks

We'll connect you with any type of network

We have a native integration into Visa, Mastercard and UnionPay.



We process across multiple regions, in any currencies you need.

We can launch products in any currency and offer multi-currency products too.


The ultimate platform

Our Platform is fully Cloud-based, with the most advanced APIs and decision engine, and the fastest, richest data.

We offer shared clouds, and support Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and more.


Faster speed

We do more, at higher speed

We process at more than 1000 TPS, out of the box. Greater capacity means greater stability and scalability.


Around the world, around the clock

The ultimate in global customer service

24/7 customer service, with staff in 45 countries, speaking 20+ languages, across 14 time zones.


Quick-to market

We're faster off the blocks than everyone else

If you’re ready to go, we routinely get programmes up and running in as little as four weeks.


We do things first

Our technology enables real innovation

Our Platform's unmatched power, stability and scalability empowers big-thinking innovation.


Start innovating your
payments with us

Our scalable, flexible Platform supports big innovations. We shepherd our clients not only into, but to the forefront of the Digital-payment Era.